Colon cancer can be detected from DNA in early stage, which was not possible in colonoscopy colorectal cancer, most common in the US, grows slowly and can be removed in early stages. The common discussion is a colonoscopy, which is not recommended for people over 50. Blood cell test using stool is used to detect precancerous stage. Mutation test, more reliable test than a blood test, is not a method of critical improvement.
New generation test involves a different
procedure. Most of the cells require the methyl group to exchange genes,
whereas cancer cells don't require except few, where the methylation process is
immense resulting in suppressor of genes. Methylated DNA can detect colon tumours
based on stools which have DNA. This test would detect at least half
of precancerous polyps and 85% of actual cancers. At least the
people in critical stage could be verified with colonoscopy. As a result,
colonoscopy could be concentrated on critical patients instead of large
populations. If this test runs well with stool sample, it would be the
inaugural non-invasive exam that will reliably detect malignant tumours.
Colonoscopy missed serrated polyp which is
a precancerous tissue, but was observed by four marker test. It can also detect
cancers above colon. The cancer of gastrointestinal tissue should be observed
only from cans.
The answer received from the DNA
methylation test is more specific and feasible, so colonoscopy may be utilized
as a second choice.
DNA test may speed Colon Cancer diognosis
Reviewed by Gowthama Rajavelu

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