Micronutrients are essential for brain chemistry which are responsible for the production of neurotransmitter that determines our mood. Chemical elements play a vital role in the formation of neurotransmitter which is responsible for physical and mental well-being.
Our body is a factory with raw materials derived from food, water, light and various other substances that is essential for brain chemistry. Nutrients in food depends upon soil which was analysed over the period of 50 years. It shows the change in 'RDA' due to degradation of food into soil.
Deficiency of these nutrients lead to depression, anxiety, illness, epidemic of children disease; diabetes, heart disease and cancer among youngsters. sometimes we absorb toxic substances resulting in deficiency of micronutrients.
Simple step to increase nutrient level is to take more medicines which may lead to dangerous side effects.
Brain chemistry is determined by a fine balance of Micronutrients
Reviewed by Gowthama Rajavelu

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